A weblog on Alaska politics, and other musings, ramblings, and vagaries.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Trust dem folks

The AK Supreme Court's decision on the "Trust the People" initiative has been released (warning: .pdf). Clearly underscoring the decision, and never given any real play by our local "Liberal Media," is the absolute poverty of Lite Gov. Leman's and Political Shill General Renkes' legal position.

I'll have more to say in a later post about the Republican Party's lawyerization of politics, but, simply put, the notion of serving the public interest and of respect for the rule of law seem to have less than no meaning for these people - it is the Party's political interest that they serve, first last and always. They've never had any plausible argument to keep this initiative off the ballot. And if Gov. Dorkowski didn't want to have this argument, he never should have appointed his daughter in the first place.


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