A weblog on Alaska politics, and other musings, ramblings, and vagaries.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

The hackinator

So Loren Leman loses in court again ... shocked, shocked I am.

The man has no ethics. Now he's trying to blame the sponsors of the "Trust the People" initiative for the fact that he made politically motivated misleading statements on the ballots, because they "waited until the last minute" to point it out. Of course, the fact that he did not disclose his change of the initiative description to its sponsors, or announce that a changed version had been placed on the state's website could not have had anything to do with that.

Men like Loren Leman are the reason that we need a vigorously independent judiciary. He has no qualms about abusing his office for political advantage, and the courts are the only place he can be brought to heel.


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