A weblog on Alaska politics, and other musings, ramblings, and vagaries.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Vic at home

Shocked, shocked I was to find that Rep. Vic Kohring may actually be residing in Portland, OR ... I had always assumed he was from Planet Moronius in the Galaxy Ideologia.

Of course Kohring doesn't really live in his district - he spends half the year in Juneau and the other half with his family in Oregon, and his "rental" of a room from his parents is a ludicrously transparent ruse, and always has been. The most disturbing about this is that he hasn't had the ethical wherewithal to simply admit this and move on.

Far more disturbing, of course, is that the voters of his district continue to send this mental marshmallow to Juneau. Kohring is the worst kind of idealogue ... he has no grasp of the reality of government - what it is for and what it really does. He just became enamored of these theories, and now blunders about Juneau trying to put them into place ... it's like something out of Candide, only the 3d grade comic book version. And he's doing real damage to the State's ability to actually provide public goods - monitoring the environment, law enforcement, education, infrastructure development all have suffered because Kohring imagines Alaska as a beautiful free market utopia.

And finally, the Dems get somebody with some gumption to challenge the guy.

About time!!


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