A weblog on Alaska politics, and other musings, ramblings, and vagaries.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Jets and Terror

So now there is apparently some sort of "debate" about whether this site and others gave Gov. Dorkowski a raw deal in criticizing his (for he is, unfortunately, the Chief Executive of the State) proposal to use federal "homeland security" funds to purchase a new luxury jet.

Let me be clear. I don't oppose this because I oppose everything Gov. Dorkowski proposes, or because I don't like the idea of him (as opposed to future or past governors) getting a nice ride. It's got nothing to do with Gov. Dorkowski per se.

I oppose this because it is an egregious misuse of limited federal homeland security funds. For two million dollars, you could hire 20 cargo inspectors to police our harbors, or security guards to watch over nuclear powerplants, or Arabic translators to tell us what is going on in the Middle East, or just more cops on the street. Make no mistake, I am uncomfortable with the perqs that government officials have been giving themselves at any level (why can't the Gov. fly coach with the rest of us?).

But this is pork barrel spending of a whole different order, an it is exponentially more vile. Terrorism is a real issue. There are real homeland security needs going unmet, and that money is needed. This isn't a game. If there is another terrorist attack, are we to tell the widows, widowers, and orphans, "Well, we let this bomb slip through the ports, but the good news is that the Governor of Alaska has a real nice jet."

Let's try not to miss the big picture here, folks.


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