A weblog on Alaska politics, and other musings, ramblings, and vagaries.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

The Daily Blah

I cannot have been alone this Sunday in thinking that the ADN has fallen from its already low perch as Southcentral Alaska's paper of record. From running the "Team Alaska" advertisement for Stevens/Murkowski/Young on Page 1 (cleverly disguised as a "news" story) to the usual arrogant, inane ravings of Craig Medred, there was just so little of worth in what used to be, by most measures, a decent local paper.

The cruellest blow, of course, was reading the vacuous "opinion" column by Beth Bragg. With Mike Doogan, love him or hate him (and I - as most - did both, often at the same time), you had a reporter - a real reporter - who had a good idea of what was going on and how things worked in both the city and the state. What's more, he wrote clearly and forcefully (if not elegantly), and had real opinions on issues of real public import. On the other hand, Ms. Bragg, his "replacement," can't seem to find anything more significant to write about TWO WEEKS BEFORE A MAJOR ELECTION than some asinine thoughts about how our kids will all grow up to be sissies because of purple pens and bowling alley gutter guards.

Egad, that stank ....


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