A weblog on Alaska politics, and other musings, ramblings, and vagaries.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Killian on the Grassy Knoll

Well, the Trolls are out, now trying to discredit the new documents released from President* Bush's military files after a FOIA request from the AP. The argument is that they must be forgeries, because ... well, because of some incomprehensible mumbo-jumbo about IBM Selectric typewriters and typefaces, etc.

First question: Where was all of this concern for strict accuracy when the Swift Boaties were making things up about John Kerry?

Second question: Are you people nuts? Wait ... on second thought, don't answer that.

Anyway, knowing that the standards are higher for telling the truth about Bush than for telling lies about Kerry, CBS did its homework on this. Note also that the White House is not questioning the veracity of the documents.

They're real, folks. Not that they tell anything about George W. Bush that anybody who has been paying any attention didn't already know.


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