A weblog on Alaska politics, and other musings, ramblings, and vagaries.

Friday, September 17, 2004

That Grassy Knoll Thing

So it looks like CBS is backing offof its earlier statements on the Killian memos. They may be forgeries, they may be reproductions of documents that actually existed, they may have been beamed in from outer space ... who knows? Certainly not Dan Rather.

While this is certainly a bizarre little episode, and if they are forged documents, the forger deserves the scorn heaped upon him, let's try to keep our eye on the ball here. As I said earlier, not even the White House or the Bush campaign denies the substance of what is in the documents, and what the other released documents unequivocally show is that President* Bush simply blew off major portions of his last two years of TX ANG duty, and has been lying about it ever since. If there is anything relevant about this debate, that is it.

and the continuing ability of RoveCo to spin his blundering charge out of any sort of trouble is simply uncanny ...

and that's all I have to say about that.


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