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Friday, October 22, 2004


Democrats have historically been better at GOTV efforts than Republicans. Democratic pollsters note this as a reason to discount LV polls that show a seemingly disproportionate Bush lead.
That wasn't the case in the 2002 midterms, however. Karl Rove took the lesson from Gore's 2000 effort, and spent a lot of time and money on his "72 Hour Project," which many credit with the R's surprisingly sound victories.
This year, Rove's efforts make '02 look like chump change - the R's have spent unprecedented millions in organizing their ground game, including both their standard voter suppression/intimidation efforts and the D's standard phone banks and other GOTV efforts.
I'd be interested in hearing some thoughts about how this might effect the standard curve re: high voter turn out - as the D's are spending more too, will things be the same as in 2000?

Yegods, this makes me nervous


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