A weblog on Alaska politics, and other musings, ramblings, and vagaries.

Monday, November 22, 2004


The secret to understanding the foreign policy of the Bush Administration is contained in these 7 letters: WWAFYOD ("What Would A Five Year Old Do").

Break Mom's expensive vase? Easy! Put it back together with Scotch tape and pretend nothing's wrong!

Same answer goes for Iraq - tape it back together and pretend it's ok.

I want to be on the record with this. As soon as possible after whatever "election" they can put together in January, the Bushies will begin a massive pullout of Iraq, no matter what state it is in.

As shown by this Boston Globe article, they're already laying the groundwork of excuses and head-spinning rationalizations ... the most massively irresponsible administration in history clearly has bigger fish to fry (Iran! Syria! France!).

I'm willing to take bets ... heck, I'll give odds. We'll see massive cuts in forces ASAP after whatever kind of election they can get together in January.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

The See-Saw

So, that was a wierd little episode. But very interesting.

For years now the defining characteristic of the national Republican party - and one of the keys to its success - has been its iron discipline. This is best characterized by the House leadership (although I hate to use any non-pejorative term to describe anything about him) of Tom DeLay. Central control is complete, even down to statements of dissent - MOCs from districts where particular DeLay-Authorized [TM] policies or positions are unpopular routinely clear their statements through him, and are allowed to vote against the party line only when it will not endanger DeLay-Authorized [TM] legislation. Such Delay Authorized [TM] dissents are parcelled out as gifts, as are lobbying positions for former staffers, etc. Punishments are severe and certain, and control is complete. This attitude of discipline is consistent throughout the Republican community, including its media arms.

The Alaska Republicans, on the other hand, have always been notable for their lack of discipline. The wacky hijinks 0f Wally Hickel and Jack Coghill come to mind, of course, as do any number of Anchorage mayoral races, where multiple wingnut candidates tore themselves apart, allowing a moderate to take office.

So what does this weekend's Velvet Revolution in the legislature have to say about the state of the Republican majority?

Well, clearly the party discipline message worked in the end, and the punishments will be severe enough so that there is unlikely to be any more seesawing, at least for a while. There is such a thing as too much discipline, though - especially when the folks giving the marching orders are incompetent idealogues. There is a growing sense of pressure to find a long-term fiscal solution to our annual budget "crises," and a growing lack of confidence in the Majority's ability or willingness to do so. Legislators' willingness to toe the party line will start to wane quickly if there is no fiscal plan adopted this session - they'll have their own hides to save.


A two-week hiatus, for reasons obvious and sundry. Much has been said, and I would likely add little to it. So I won't, at least for now.

But there are still reasons for hope, and many more reasons to get active and stay aware.

And so I will.

Monday, November 01, 2004

What's the call??

The R's have been pushing the results of a poll that supposedly have Lisa up by 7. That much of a sudden spread in a race that has been so close simply doesn't seem credible. More likely they're simply trying to create some astroturf momentum.

So what's the call? The "Vote for Ted" campaign was desperate, but seems to have been effective - Tony wasn't able to counter it well (I think he should have gone on the indirect attack on this during the debates, and gotten some public pressure against Stevens to back down. Unfortunately, everyone is afraid of the Hulk). Still, Tony's ground game is much better, and that's where the money is.

My (spin free) prediction is Tony in a squeaker ... and we won't know for sure until the last dog is hung.

After which, the real work will only be beginning ...


This is it. MAny have called it the most important election of our lifetimes. It may be true. Whatever your thoughts on this, though, there is no excuse for turning your back on the right that so many have died to protect.

Go vote!!!

(For Tony, of course)