A weblog on Alaska politics, and other musings, ramblings, and vagaries.

Friday, December 10, 2004

From that same comments section, a good take on the annoying gutlessness of DC Demcrats, whom I presently detest as a bunch of spineless professional losers:

You know, I find all this SS stuff really phenomenal. Really, really, phenomenal. We have no reason to trust this White House (What happened to the monthly terror alerts? How safe is our food supply? Where are the Iraqi nuclear weapons stockpiles?), yet from today's Post, the Democrats appear to be in a defensive--already! This is an opportunity, same as the Clinton Healthcare plan was for Repubs, to go on the offensive I think. The Dems ought to be starting to run commercials, sending feeders out to senior groups, even handing out flyers on the street to get the public's attention and grab the debate. The bottom line is that as the economy and dollar stand now, as our foreign affairs stand now, we have absolutely no reason to be taking on such an expensive endeavor as privatizing a portion of SS. None.
I realize we took a beating in the elections, but come on. If voters didn't trust Kerry enough because of his so-called wiffly-waffley ways, how are they going to feel about a party that bends over and takes it in the back end even before the Repubs have started their full frontal media assault on the SS program? And, what's going to be the result once the media assault starts and the Dems have not prepared the country intellectually for the outright garbage that's going to be sold as reform?
I guess we all have our issues, but having studied SS for years, I'm now feeling thoroughly disgusted with the Democratic Party. And I was already disgusted with the party for allowing Gore to use the "shore up" SS issue in the 2000 presidential campaign to get elected. I knew what the Repubs would do with the issue then, we're seeing what they're doing with it now. So much for good Dem political strategies, right? Excuse my language, but we're f'cked.



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