A weblog on Alaska politics, and other musings, ramblings, and vagaries.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Why we endorse the Preznit

This pretty much says it all. From babelogue:

We are facing unimaginable challenges and dwindling opportunities in the
next four years, and to confront those challenges, invent new
ones, and squander those opportunities requires a dangerous,
unscrupulous moron in the White House, a man of monumental ignorance and
insincerity who can lead America to previously unimagined depths of unremitting
despair. We believe George W. Bush to be an uncompromisingly daft
nimrod who remains uniquely qualified to guide this country into the broken
teeth of the most hair-raising fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, and who
can steer America through the End Times even as he aggressively herds
the legions of infidels to their appointed place of eternal torment in

Thanks to PM for the tip


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